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Arbor homes blog

July 21, 2024

Q & A: How is Virtual Learning Impacting Your Home?

Virtual learning doesn't just mean the students in your home are no longer in their classroom, but that their classroom is now the kitchen table. So what does that mean for you? And, how have families had to adjust to accommodate this "new normal"? We asked some of our own employees with virtual learners to find out. 

1. Where are your kids participating in virtual learning? Are they using their rooms, the kitchen table, a home office, etc.?

- "My kids are/have been sitting at our kitchen island to do their E-Learning."

-  "We have rotated to different areas inside and outside of the house to keep things fresh but mostly we stay at the dining table because its large enough for us to work side-by-side."

Space is a huge part of what makes virtual learning tough for families to tackle at times. A dedicated space, such as a home office or loft area, can make for a much more focused and organized learning experience! Plenty of our Arbor floorplans, such as The Cooper or The Norway, offer you the space you need to create a learning zone!

2. How have you had to change routines in order to accommodate the virtual setting?

- "Since we have both been working from home predominately, we have had to alter when and how we do our own work. We found that creating a schedule and sticking to it works best for us."

- "Working from home has helped with me being able to be there if the kids need me."

Working from home has been a luxury we at Arbor have been lucky to have through out this time, making it easier for parents and caregivers to ensure their virtual learners have what they need. But, that means there are plenty of people home trying to get work done! Change in routine can be tough, but the longer you do it the easier it gets! What changes has your household made to accommodate virtual learning? 

3. Is there anything your family does to get into the “school” mindset at home? Like putting on school clothes or getting up and having breakfast?

- "We do put on school clothes, brush our teeth and do hair before having breakfast together.  I’ve considered putting everything in their backpacks and having them walk down the street to the bus stop and back just to get their energy going but we haven’t taken it that far yet."

-  "Getting into the school mindset for us included created a schedule and sticking to it. Getting dressed in lieu of of staying in our pajamas was a part of this."

Schedules and school clothes seem to be the ticket! We have some other ideas on how to make virtual learning easier for you and your students in our recent blog: Making Your Home into a Classroom. 


Curious about how quickly you could be in a new home with more space to fit your virtual learning needs? Contact us today to find out!